Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Things YOU MUST KNOW about yeast infection

Yeast lives in two forms it can produce ROOTS and SPORES. It can cause Chronic Yeast Infection can ruin your health.
The human body has NO ABILITY to attack and kill the spores. I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO KILL THEM, Other internet products don't.
There are no drugs YOU CAN TAKE that can KILL THE SPORES, BUT THERE IS AN ALL-NATURAL WAY, the drug companies don't want you to know about.
Yeast Spores can remain dormant for years....then suddenly FLARE-UP and cause YEAST INFECTION, LEARN HOW TO FIGHT BACK AND WIN.
Yeast infections will infect 75% of all people at some point. I will show you what you can do to INSTANTLY HELP YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Other internet products don't.
Olive leaf extract can kill yeast infection, but what the other web sites don't mention is its TOXICITY to the LIVER. I EXPLAIN IT IN DETAIL.
Diaper rash often is a symptom of yeast infection. I EXPLAIN HOW TO QUICKLY CURE DIAPER RASH.
Men also get genital yeast infection, and have no symptoms, then pass it on to their sexual partner. Drug companies and other internet sites don't mention this. I EXPLAIN HOW TO CURE THIS.
Mouth sores, or a white coating in a baby's mouth, known as thrush, is a symptom of yeast infection. I explain a non drug treatment that is safe and is NOT EXPLAINED ANYWHERE ELSE.
Skin rashes are frequently yeast infections, particularly in skin folds, such as under breasts. Other web sites don't deal with the treatment of this, I show how YOU CAN CURE THIS TYPE OF YEAST INFECTION.
Painful urination can be a symptom of a yeast infection. And I explain the SIMPLE CURE FOR THIS YEAST INFECTION.

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